Abusing The Welfare System

Abusing the welfare system seems to be easy for many people with low or no morals, however this is still allowed to happen.

The So Called Christmas Sales

Every year on boxing day, people queue up for several hours in the hope they will grab a bargain in the Christmas sales.

Traffic Cocks

Why is it, when you are stuck in a traffic jam there is always one person who wants to demonstrate how quickly they can accelerate only to know they will go 10 feet?

The Not So Healthy Dieter

For many years now, different people and companies have been telling you the right way to keep healthy and fit for a 'small' fee. Everyone knows that the main thing that you need is WILL-POWER, and this does not cost you anything.

Violators Of The Status Update

I know you're upset with someone, but ranting on a social network and trying to gain sympathy will not solve anything.

Exploitation Of New Babies And Pregnant Women

This is not a business idea, however, by the end of this you will think it's a good idea.

Basic Punctuation & Grammar

Jacks dead sister -

Is Jack dead or is it his sister? Basic punctuation can save lives!

With modern generations relying more upon technology to their job for them, people are becoming less willing to either learn or use correct punctuation.

Using incorrect punctuation could be the difference between smart and stupid. Do you want someone to take you seriously or laugh you off the face of the earth? Wether it be commas, apostrophes or capitalising words, it is important that they are used correctly if you want to say the right thing.

It's easier to use examples for this:

Jacks - many people called Jack
Jack's - it belongs to Jack

Eats, shoots and leaves - he ate, shot someone and then left
Eats shoots and leaves - what a panda does

Helping your Uncle Jack off a horse - Uncle Jack has trouble getting off his horse due to his old age
Helping your uncle jack off a horse - not capitalising a word could lead to ridicule and possibly a police investigation

Let's eat, grandma - I'm hungry grandma, we should go and eat something
Let's eat grandma - I'm hungry and fancy eating my mother's mother

If you plan on using words as part of your daily existence, make sure you use the correct punctuation and grammar. So much as a comma can determine the understanding of what you're trying to say.

Reality TV Shows Are Not Reality

In this grumble we look at two types of reality television, controlled and fly on the wall. Different, but altogether the same thing used to draw in viewers and boost the ratings.

First up, we have the controlled reality shows. This new format of television started around the mid-1990s with The Real World from the USA. The format was basic, eight people in their early 20s from all different walks of life sharing a life experience. The cast members were randomly chosen by the series producers and needed to get jobs and maintain a 'normal' relationship with their housemates.

Running for 20 years, and still being filmed today, this has sparked ideas with other production companies who wanted to push the boubdaries as far as possible for our entertainment. The most popular of these was Big Brother. New millennium, new show, the UK version saw Channel 4 popularity sky-rocket ad millions of people every night sat in their house and tuned in to watch othet people in another house. This was a highly controlled environment where the strangers became housemates for several weeks, restricted within the walls and garden where they were watched 24/7 and had to complete tasks to have luxuries. Many people thought that they pushes the boundaries too far causing controversy due to racism, homophobia and sexual encounters shown on the highlights show daily. This sparked outrage with the public, yet still managed to pull in the ratings.

There have been many other controlled reality shows over the years,  some of the most popular being Celebrity Big Brother, I'm A Celebrity,  Get Me Out Of Here and Survivor. In most cases, the celebrity shows have caused more of a stir due certain "stars" trying to revive a dead career, only to lose any respect they had with a poor choice of words or actions.

Let's move on now to fly on the wall reality shows. They started out with shows such as Super Nanny and Come Dine With Me. Although controlled to an extent, these were people in their natural environments being followed by camera crews.

With the popularity of reality fly on the wall, the UK has been subjected to the likes of This Is Chelsea and The Only Way I Essex. Allegedly these are just normal people with normal lives being followed by a crew. My question with these is, if it is so normal, how can the camera crew know exactly how to film without getting the shot blocked and why are all the cast on chat shows when some of them argue to the point of destruction?

Ok, I know this has just been a lesson so far, so I will get on with the moan. How can any of these shows call themselves reality when in some cases they could not be further from it. Everyone being filmed is putting on a false frant of some sort and the entertainmant factor is just edited to get you watching.  Think about it, if you were filmed for just one day, would there be anything worth watching or would someone have to intervene to make it worth while?

It sometimes ruffles my feathers when you see the US versions of Super Nanny and Wife Swap that state some of the filming has been staged. If this is the case, it's not reality, it is people acting as themselves.  It's the same for all the shows to some degree, even subconsciously, people will change who they are for the entertainment factor.

With the way this is going,  it wouldn't surprise me if we didn't have a real life Truman Show or Running Man in the next decade.

If You Don't Know It, Don't Use It

A bit of an expansion on Basic Punctuation & Grammar, we start to focus on the misuse of words. Sometimes, when I read something, maybe on Facebook or Twitter, I struggle to take it seriously if they use the incorrect their or there.

Basic English is the foundation of a good future. The way that some people use words like they are correct,  I'm surprised they can survive daily activity. I understand that mistakes can happen and people can slip, but when you are purposely being ignorant towards basic high school English, I have no tolerance for you.

This doesn't just go for the written word, it can be the same for spoken English as well. People have local dialect and accents, I understand, but trying to be "gangsta" or "street" makes you sound thick.


Your - it belongs to you
You're - the contraction of you are

Could of - what does this mean? You want to say "could've" or "could have"

Irregardless - not a real word

There - not here
Their - belongs to someone else
They're - the contraction of they are

Definitely does not contain an "A"

Loose - not tight
Lose - something goes missing

Supposedly - is not pronounced "supposably"

I seen it - no you haven't!  I would say you have seen it or you would say "I saw it."

I aren't - what does this mean? I are not what?

This list could go on for some time with almost endless nitpicking. As I said before, the small errors don't bother me as much as the broken English that you should know. You want to travel the world and experience new cultures? Well, don't complain when they don't understand your so-called English.