Milking The Franchise - Part I

We all know it when you see a good film and you want to see them make a sequel because the first was so damn good. The issue I have is with production companies and directors who decide that they will milk the franchise just to make money rather than making good entertainment.

A prime example of the franchise 'milking' is Star Wars. When the original 3 films were released in the late 70's early 80's, everyone applauded how they good they were and how they were a cut above the rest when it came to other movies of the time. Fast forward 20+ years and George Lucas has already released a re-vamped version of the original movies along with an Ewok television programmes. Obviously running short of a few pennies, he decides to make another 3 movies which are in fact prequels to the originals.

These films had a vague storyline which set the story with impressive special effects. The issue that arose was that these two aspects did not make for a film that is in any way comparable to the originals. I do not understand the obsession that George Lucas has on Star Wars, it seems he is afraid to venture into new things at the fear of people saying 'It's not as good as Star Wars'. For more than 30 years now, we have seen different variations, stories and media that has depicted several generations within the Star Wars universe. We have had digitally remastered versions as well as behind the scene extras with even more extra extras included which has added even more to the franchise milking and added more $'s into George's pockets.

I'm not singling out George Lucas and Star Wars, I think it is a perfect example of franchise milking when you see everything that has expanded from one idea. The issue with franchise milking doesn't start and stop with movies, we have seen it in computer games and television programmes also.

 "If it wasn't a sequel and it was called something else, I would have enjoyed it more", this is something that I say to myself more often than I want to.

Another side of the franchise milking is remakes. It is not very often that a film is remade and it impresses better than the original version. This is another prime example of "I would have enjoyed it more if it was called something else" because you will always be comparing it to the original.

Read Milking The Franchise - Part II HERE


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