Abusing The Welfare System

Abusing the welfare system seems to be easy for many people with low or no morals, however this is still allowed to happen.

The So Called Christmas Sales

Every year on boxing day, people queue up for several hours in the hope they will grab a bargain in the Christmas sales.

Traffic Cocks

Why is it, when you are stuck in a traffic jam there is always one person who wants to demonstrate how quickly they can accelerate only to know they will go 10 feet?

The Not So Healthy Dieter

For many years now, different people and companies have been telling you the right way to keep healthy and fit for a 'small' fee. Everyone knows that the main thing that you need is WILL-POWER, and this does not cost you anything.

Violators Of The Status Update

I know you're upset with someone, but ranting on a social network and trying to gain sympathy will not solve anything.

Exploitation Of New Babies And Pregnant Women

This is not a business idea, however, by the end of this you will think it's a good idea.

Thieving Old Women

Before you go thinking that this is about kidnapping the elderly, be assured I am not that cruel. Although in the case of this old dear, I could make an exception.

A few short weeks ago, I was doing the weekly food shopping at my local Tesco. Amongst other things on my list, was a small Danish loaf for my wife (sounds like a good swap). I walked around the store putting items into my trolley and crossing them off my list as I go. I got to the bread aisle and managed to grab what was the last loaf of bread that my wife had asked for. As I walked the length of the aisle, I stopped part way and grabbed two loaves of bread for myself. As I did this, I saw an elderly lady put her hand on the Danish loaf in my trolley and start to take it out. I quickly put my hand on the loaf and verbally assured her that she was not
going to get MY loaf of bread;