For far too long the big word in the news has been recession. Greece, Iceland, Spain and Great Britain to name but a few have all been subject to a financially hard time with some going so far as to closing banks due to the lack of funds. Each time it is mentioned, there is always a bailout from someone giving the public impression that it's all ok. Well it's not ok because each time their is bailout it just means that their is more money owed to another party. If it keeps going around like this it will end up that everyone is in debt with each other.
Country deficits have come about for the simple reason that governments are seperating the classes to such a degree that there is no middle ground. They have gotten themselves into a position now where they can't reduce tax on the people they've taken it from and the ones who are high up on the wealth ladder have too strong a hold on the government they can't afford to change. Governments give the impression that they want to help people with buying a first home or getting a loan, but all it does is move the financial strain rather than making a long term solution.
There are many big companies (especially banks) that will happily say they are in a financial crisis and make staff redundant or give them less hours, however they will just as easily pay their bosses millions in bonuses because they helped them to save money last year. This doesn't make sense. If you ask me, there is one solution, pay the bosses less and pay the workers more. At least this way you are keeping more people in employment who can afford to feed their kids and less money is going to people who don't need it.
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